Due Diligence

Due diligence is an examination through which current or potential owner enquires accurate information on a target company or its assets.
Due diligence is used to formulate a plan of action in order to increase company’s resistance to the external and internal effects of regulations (i.e claims, complaints, audits, termination of agreements, etc.). Duration and checklist of the due diligence may vary based upon the intentions of the client. In many cases legal due diligence includes full review of the business activities, analysis of all the risks as well as developing risk minimization solutions.
Our services include:
• legal due diligence of the statutory documents, other related documents and agreements as to their compliance with applicable laws of Ukraine and to identify and minimise risks;
• due diligence of the companies on their resistance to the external effects of regulations and takeovers;
• advice on minimising the risks and/or limitations revealed in the course of due diligence of the legal groundwork for business activities.