Construction and Real Estate

Today, the legal aspects of construction and real estate in Ukraine not only involve the sale of property from client A to client B. A real estate lawyer also advises on the following:
• sale and lease, as well as building office premises, hotels, and commercial and industrial facilities;
• legal audit of real estate objects and investment projects;
• legal assistance during privatization, including auctions, tenders and competitions;
• obtaining licenses, permits and approvals related to construction.
All of these important procedures require expert analysis and professional support. By providing legal assistance to clients on the aforementioned issues, the real estate lawyers at Lavrynovych & Partners have gained considerable experience in applying not only the rules of national legislation, but also the international rules and standards of FIDIC.
According to the results of 2016, lawyers at the Lavrynovych & Partners Law Firm defended the interests and rights of real estate clients amounting to a total value of more than $12 million USD.
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