Dispute Resolution

Negotiations are the best way to settle disputes and resolve conflicts. However, if the parties are not able to come to an agreement, the issue is either resolved in court or by alternative means (e.g., arbitration court dispute resolution and mediation). The main objective of the Lavrynovych & Partners Law Firm’s team is the outcome of a dispute settlement, in which our client receives maximum benefit at minimal cost.
Our success in resolving disputes in Ukraine and in the world is recognized by an authoritative international rating, The Legal 500: Europe, Middle East & Africa (2012-2014). The reference guide, “Ukrainian Law Firms: a Handbook for Foreign Clients” named Stanislav Skrypnyck, Executive Partner of the Lavrynovych & Partners Law Firm, among the notable practitioners in Litigation in 2016-2017.
In 2018, lawyers of Lavrynovych & Partners Law Firm represented clients' interests in disputes adjustment amounting to a total value of more than 90 million UAH.
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