
30 November 2016
Lavrynovych & Partners Law Firm has held a closed business breakfast on the following topic: “Family and personal assets: how to protect your assets in today’s conditions”
Lavrynovych & Partners Law Firm has held a closed business breakfast in terms of the Private clients practice.
Oleksander Onufrienko, the Head of the Practice, shared his experience on the following topic: “Family and personal assets: how to protect your assets in today’s conditions.”
During the event there were discussed the following issues:
  • Protection of personal assets from hostile acts of the third parties;
  • Organization of effective structure to control and manage private assets;
  • Development of the succession plan of business and private assets;
  • Development of preservation plan for private assets and business in case of the owner’s absence;
  • Settlement of property and inheritance aspects of family relationships;
  • Creating control systems for companies management for the heirs and / or family members of entrepreneurs;
  • Legal registration of the children’s, heirs and other trustees rights with regard to their business assets.

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