As a result of the applied mediation skills and principles, the real interests and motives of the parties were revealed; the controversial matters of doing business which the parties were concerned about were discussed in an open and frank manner. As an important outcome, the parties cancelled their decision to divide the business and manage it separately. This decision had been taken earlier under the influence of negative emotions.
As a result of the mediation procedure, a memorandum was signed, which established joint agreements and obligations of the parties regarding further work of the firm.
S. Skrypnyk is a certified business mediator and deputy chairman of the mediation committee of the Ukrainian National Bar Association.
Mediation is a voluntary, informal process within which the parties are trying to resolve conflict by negotiating in the specified stages with the help of a neutral and impartial third-person – a mediator. The undoubted advantage of mediation in comparison with the long and inexpensive classical lawsuit is its speed, flexibility, cost savings and, ultimately, mutual understanding between the parties and as a consequence, the preservation of relationships.