
12 April 2017
Stanislav Skrypnyk took part in the round table on mediation

“Mediation: this is where customers reduce the level of tension”
April 6, Stanislav Skrypnyk ,Deputy Chairman of the Mediation Committee of the Ukrainian National Bar Association (UNBA), Executive Partner of Lavrynovych & Partners Law Firm took part in a fruitful round-table discussion “Prospects of mediation during trial and enforcement proceedings”, which was organized by the UNBA.


According to Stanislav, “The topic of mediation as an alternative to traditional types of dispute resolution is of a growing interest within Ukrainian legal community. It should be noted that the absence of a specialized bill regulating mediation is not an obstacle for its promotion. Therefore, one of the main objectives of lawyers, who are specialized in mediation, is to inform the public about the existence as well as benefits of such procedure”.
Ukrainian experts together with counterparts from other countries discussed their experience of implementing this practice in Georgia and Belarus as well as the status of mediation in Ukraine and institutional obstacles for its realization.
Among the participants were attorneys at law, representatives of the judicial branch, the Ministry of Justice and of mediators’ community.